Friends of Falmouth Dogs - Founded in 1990.
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Current hours
Every Day
9:00 - 11:00 AM
3:00 - 5:00 PM

Animal Control Center
150 Blacksmith Shop Rd.
Falmouth, MA

Send mail to:
P.O. Box 438
Falmouth, MA 02541

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Did You Find A Lost Dog?
Call Falmouth Animal Control at 508-457-2552 or Falmouth Police Department at 774-255-4527.

Did Your Dog Go Missing?
Learn the steps to follow.


Our Weekly Falmouth Enterprise Column


By Anna Dos Santos
Friday, February 7, 2025

Dog available for adoption Not surprisingly, we received many calls for the 2 Labradoodles, Frank and Beans, and had some great meet and greets. They will be going to a new home soon. Rylee, our Shepherd mix will also be going to her new home soon, as well. We are happy for them all!

Blue, a Malamute mix, has had some very good meet & greets so he may find a new home soon, too. But you still have time to meet him if you are interested, so call us at 508-548-7742.

Dog available for adoption

Lexi, a female lab/shepherd mix, is available for adoption. She’s about 2 years old and has super soft black fur down her back that becomes silvery on her sides. Playing with toys and walking with volunteers are 2 of her favorite things to do. Lexi can be a bit shy when meeting new people and prefers women initially but will warm up to men gradually. She has come to us because she did not always get along with her owner’s 11 year old grandson and it broke the owner’s heart to give up this sweet dog. Lexi weighs 55 lbs, has been vaccinated, spayed and microchipped. If you’d like to meet Lexi, please call the shelter at 508-548-7742.

Dog available for adoption

Rosie is a lovely blonde, 38lb terrier mix who is a friendly dog that walks well on leash and enjoys being with people. She can be reactive around strange dogs, but her anxiety has been reduced by medication. You may have seen her in the Falmouth Christmas Parade where she was very happy to walk with our other dogs and had no problem with any of the dogs that lined the parade route. Rosie has been spayed, fully vaccinated and is microchipped. Call us at 508-548-7742 to meet her

Dog available for adoption

Juan Pablo, a 10 year old Chihuahua mix, arrived from Texas and is a real cutie. He’s staying with a local foster family who report that he settled right in and made himself at home. Sleeping in a crate was not a problem for Juan Pablo – or JP - and lounging around the house makes him happy, too. He’s all black, weighs about 17lbs, is up to date on vaccines and is very friendly. JP’s owners in Texas surrendered him due to changes in the family and think JP would be happiest with older or no children in the home. Call for an appointment at 508-548-7742 to meet Juan Pablo.

Dog available for adoption

Little Rosie and Titan are 2 more dogs that arrived from Texas recently. They have been living together for many years and would really like to stay together. Little Rosie, whose name is really just Rosie but we need to differentiate her from Rosie our terrier mix, is a beige Standard Schnauzer, about 12 years old and weighs 24 lbs.

Dog available for adoption

Titan is a 6 year old French Bulldog, weighs 34lbs and is tan with a black mask. Both are up to date on vaccines and have been spayed or neutered. So far, they have been super friendly with all the volunteers. They were surrendered because of demanding work schedules, small children and a new baby in the house which proved to be very difficult to manage with 2 dogs. If you are interested in meeting both or either of these dogs, contact the shelter at 508-528-7742.

Donations of sheets, blankets and towels are always welcomed. Please don’t leave them outside but instead, drop them off when our volunteers are at the shelter, 9 to 11am or 3 to 5pm every day. We are located on the town’s Service Road, near the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Service Road can be reached from Brick Kiln Road or Blacksmith Shop Road. Thank you to those of you that keep us well supplied.

Monetary donations are always needed here at the shelter so we can continue caring for the dogs in our custody and help low income dog owners pay for veterinary care and dog food. Our goal is that with our help, many more dogs will stay healthy - or get heathy - and live longer and happier lives.

The Cape Cod Foundation provides grant funding to us and we are supremely grateful for their support. Unfortunately, our costs exceed our grant support. If you would like to help provide medical care for the dogs in our care and in our community, donations by check (PO Box 438, Falmouth, MA 02541) or or via PayPal are always welcomed.

Friends of Falmouth Dogs holds state license #0183.

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Saving One Dog At A Time